Monthly Archives: September 2019

Metal/Vata Season

I’m a practitioner of Chinese Medicine Theory, and studying and integrating Ayurveda. In Chinese Medicine 5 Element theory we are transitioning from Earth season to Metal. The abundance of earth season is coming to an end.. time to deal with the harvest. Cash flow may slow down, just like the garden harvest slows to a trickle. We start to go inward like the plants drooping toward the earth. In Ayurveda this season is called Vata, or “Wind”. Ayurveda stresses the importance of keeping warm inside and out during this season, and keeping food simple for digestion. It’s a great time for journaling, starting new studies, cleansing. I like to reduce wheat and dairy at this time to go easy on the system. I start making soups and stews regularly. It’s also a wonderful time to book your seasonal acupressure tune up.